BFit Express is a flexible 30-minute workout schedule to fit yours! Accommodates 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 workouts per week -- you can follow a different schedule every week!

FREE for all BFit Members

Access these limited edition workouts PLUS your custom workout plan inside the BFit app.

Look for the "opt-in" link inside your app.

Your weekly workouts, your way! Complete the following days in the 'Express' plan based on your schedule:

2 days/week: 5-6

3 days/week: 1, 3, 5

4 days/week: 1-4

5 days/week: 1-4 + 5 or 6

6 days/week: 1-6

Add one ab super set from Day 7 to the end of any workout, or add an ab day and complete all three super sets!

Dumbbells, Bands, Stability Ball & Bench 

Home + Gym-friendly

NEW 30-Minute Express Format

Workout at your pace

Access without a BFit Membership

If you're curious, this is your opportunity to give BFit it a try!

4 weeks of Workouts + Nutrition

5-week access to the 'Express Workouts' in the BFit app

✔ Custom meal plan, updated every two weeks. Choose from vegan, vegetarian, low-carb, dairy-free, gluten-free, paleo, easy-prep, budget options, and more!

Access to BFit recipe exclusives, nutrition and workout guides, Facebook group, and more!

Download your workouts & nutrition plan for future use.

$26.95 USD/single payment

Secure Your Spot →

4-Weeks of Workouts

✔ 5-week access to the 'Express Workouts' in the BFit app

✔ Access to BFit recipe exclusives, workout guide, Facebook group, and more!

Download your workouts & nutrition plan for future use

$16.95 USD/single payment

Secure Your Spot →

Join with a BFit Membership

Access these limited-edition 30-minute workouts + customized 60-minute workouts + EVERYTHING else BFit has to offer. Keep your momentum going into 2024! Your transformation begins here!

Starting at $20 USD/ monthly

Join Now →

Real people. Real results.

Marta Kwiat

Mind & Body 8-week Transformation

Challenge Winner

 "One of my favorite things about BFit is that I get to play my own music and jam out, yet, all of my workouts are laid out in front of me to take my time, to get it right, and work on my mind-muscle connection. I'm not trying to keep up with the trainers on a video and shorting myself my reps because of it. It's probably why I consistently see so many in BFit getting stronger and seeing amazing changes in their bodies.

I love that this group isn't about getting skinny in 30 days but changing our body composition with the intentions of making it last. This group is like no other!"

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Tofu Spinach Lasagna

Cal: 370, F: 11.5g, C: 46g (9g fiber, 6g sugar), P: 24g

BBQ Chicken Pizza
Cal: 112, F: 2g, C: 12g (3g fiber, 2g sugar), P: 12.5g

Spinach & Feta Turkey Burgers

Cal: 375, F: 4.5g, C: 42g (6g fiber, 7.5g sugar), P: 45.5g

Lemon Raspberry Protein Cake
Cal: 205, F 3g, C: 45g (14 fiber, 5.5g sugar), P: 23g

about bfit

About BFit Workout Plans

Tell me your goals, level of fitness, injuries, limitations, and leave the rest to me! YOUR BFit workout program will update every four weeks to keep you motivated and engaged as you transform your body. 

With clear instructions on each exercise, I will tell you exactly how to conduct each movement as well as the reps and sets associated. Record your workouts right in the app and see exactly how you progress over time. With consistency, YOU WILL build the physique you want!

✓ Home and gym option with 3, 4 or 5 workouts per week

✓ Plans that remove direct chest work for women with breast augmentation

✓ Video demonstrations

✓ Track your progress

✓ Swap exercises & manage injuries

✓ Science-backed strength training routines


About BFit Nutrition Plans

One size never fits all - not in the gym or the kitchen! I will help you fuel your body with a macros-based nutrition plan tailored to your body’s unique needs, food sensitivities, dislikes, and food preferences.

To ensure there is plenty of variety and you always enjoy eating the same foods, you'll get a new 7-day meal plan every two weeks. I want your program to be as effective and enjoyable as possible. 

✓ Updated as you progress

✓ Meal swap-out and dining-out options

✓ Diet preference selection with allergies & dislikes blacklist (vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb, and more!)

✓ Whole food meals with easy to shop for recipes and instructions

✓ Weekly grocery lists that make shopping for the family easy & straight forward

✓ New Couples Meal Plans make family meal prep even easier!

BFit Recipe Exclusives

I'm passionate about showing you don't have to eat boring food to reach your goals! All BFit members get access to my growing list of macro-friendly recipe exclusives (over 50 new recipes, including Vegan options!).  These recipes are additional to your custom-built nutrition plan. BFit recipe exclusives are  high protein, low calorie, family approved, and sure to become regulars in your family meal rotation. 

BFit Exclusive Mobile App

Take your personalized nutrition plan and workout program with you to the supermarket, gym, and vacation. The BFit app makes it super convenient to access what you need anytime! NOTE: BFit is not available in the Apple or Android App marketplace. A link to download the web-based app is provided in your welcome email.

BFit Workout & Nutrition Guides

BFit workout and nutrition guides are packed with science-based tips to help you navigate your journey. I'm always adding new information based on YOUR burning questions.

Remember, there are no shortcuts to achieving the physique you want. It will take hard work, consistency, and dedication. By taking all the guesswork out for you, you get to focus on the big picture and make this a long-term solution to be lean, strong, and healthy for LIFE! 

About Breanne Freeman

My transformation is not your typical ‘lost weight, got fit’ story. I began my fitness journey as a girl who wanted to feel better and more confident in her skin.

I started by visiting the gym regularly, never looking beyond group fitness classes and cardio equipment. I would indulge in hamburgers and fries one day, then starve myself the next. I didn’t understand what a good fitness and nutrition plan looked like, and my body never changed because of it. 

As I flipped through fitness magazines in college, it hit me! Not everyone is built to be “skinny.” I wanted to look strong- just like the women who filled these publications! I began to learn the art of strength training over the coming years but still struggled with building muscle and chiseling fat.

After receiving a personal training certification outside college and a nutrition coach certification years later, I can now look back. I can point out precisely which methods didn’t align with my goals. 


I am determined to remove the BS, misinformation, and fads from fitness and nutrition. In 2021, I released my best-selling nutrition book, Master Your Macros. Today, I thrive off helping others live life to the fullest while becoming their strongest, happiest, healthiest versions yet! 

Are you ready to join me and the community of BFit members already transforming their lives? Let’s roll!


✔ Custom Home & Gym Workout Options

✔ Personalized Macro-Based Meal Plans

✔ BFit Recipe Exclusives

✔ Workout Video Demonstrations

✔ Grocery Shopping Lists

✔ Automated Progress Tracking

✔ Exclusive Mobile App

✔ Private Facebook Support Group

✔ Email Support

Start Here >

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I receive the program?

    The program is available through my website in the members-only section after you have purchased it. Go to the services page, choose a plan, make a payment, and enter all your details, and I will start putting together your personalized program! 

  • Is this a subscription based program?

    BFit a monthly-based subscription. This means the program is updated with workouts, meals tailored just for your goals, and continuous support from my team and myself. The beauty of this is that you are not tied in and can cancel anytime.

  • Are the programs available world wide?

    Yes! It’s imperative to me that anyone worldwide can access this program.

  • Can I do the plan at home?

    I will tailor your plan to complete this in your home if you wish! Please take a look at the suggested home equipment above. You'll need to select home only on the set-up form if you don't mind.

  • Refunds and returns

    For information on my refunds and returns policy, please see the terms and conditions.

  • How do I cancel?

    To cancel your subscription, please email with 7 days notice of renewal so that you are not charged again. Please note that when you cancel all of your workouts, plans, support and guide will be removed from your account.

  • I’m new to the gym - is this good for beginners?

    Your workouts are tailored to you and your goals. So, if you are new to the gymequipment  video tutorials and instructions will guide you. Choose the weights that are right for your fitness level and gradually work your way up. The workout guide in the BFit will answer ALL  your burning questions.

  • Is each month the same?

    Each month is different and designed to help you progress. This involves changes in exercises, worjout structure, and updates to your meal plan as you continue to reach your goal.

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